Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair That Ensure A Happy Holi

Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair That Ensure A Happy Holi on satliva.com

Holi, widely referred to as ‘the festival of colours,’ is one among the favourite festivals of innumerable children and adults in India. It celebrates the coming of spring, and the end of winter. Every year, Holi calls for a wide range of festivities such as; Drenching participants with water & covering them with powdered colours, lavish feasts, music, dancing, performances, and lets not forget; Bhang (an edible preparation made from the leaves of the cannabis plant originating from the Indian subcontinent.) It is widely believed that on this special occasion, the gods turn a blind eye to the celebrations that take place.
As wonderful and colourful as Holi is; unfortunately, it is equally as perilous for your skin & hair, because the dyes and colours used on Holi are up to the brim with several chemicals and toxins.

Read on to learn how you can protect your skin & hair to enjoy a truly happy Holi!


Oil is your friend

Do not underestimate the power of natural, cold-pressed, body, face, and hair oils. Before indulging in the fun and games of Holi, make sure to apply a generous amount of oil all over your body, face, and hair, this behaves like a protective layer between you and the hazardous colours, promising minimal skin contact, and ensuring the colours are later washed off with ease.
A few oils we recommend are:

  • HEMP WITH MORINGA FACE & BODY OIL – aside from protecting you from common chemical colours on Holi, it provides deep nourishment, respite from dry skin, and even reduces wrinkles, blackhead & dark spots.
  • HEMP WITH JOJOBA BODY OIL – It is infused with all the protective benefits you require during Holi, and the peppermint oil present in this concoction helps reduce inflammation and irritation that can flare up as a result of toxic colours and dyes.
  • HEMP WITH ARGAN HAIR OIL –  hair damage is extremely common post-Holi, The presence of rosemary oil in this miraculous mix, helps treat damaged hair, prevents split-ends, and provides much needed strength and vitality to hair roots.


Similarly; we recommend you apply the appropriate oils post-Holi celebrations too. As this will aid you in treating any damage that may have occurred during the fun and games.


Soap & shampoo bars are here to help


How many Holi’s have you spent scrubbing away for hours, hoping and praying that you won’t  have to leave the house looking like a character from a horror movie?
The right Soap Bars & Shampoo Bars can make the process a whole lot easier. We’ve listed a few below for you:


  • HEMP WITH SHEA BUTTER BODY SOAP BAR – Chemicals in the colours used during Holi easily damage and dry out your skin, the hemp seed oil in the soap bar helps heal your skin and soothe inflammation, along with the shea butter which fights dryness ensuring your skin is supple, smooth, and radiant.
  • HEMP WITH COCOA BUTTER BODY SOAP BAR – Loaded with benefits, what makes this soap bar a favourite during Holi, is its ability to relieve clogged pores, and thus, getting rid of any colours and chemicals that find their way into them.
  • HEMP WITH ARGAN AND ACTIVATED CHARCOAL SHAMPOO BAR – The scalp is no stranger to damage. The presence of activated charcoal gets rid of dirt and build-up in the follicles that could lead to further complications. Ensure to scrub your scalp well to get rid of any residue of colours and chemicals that could inflame and irritate your scalp.


Following these few simple steps can make your Holi significantly healthier, happier, and easier. Our team at Satliva wishes you nothing but clear skin, lustrous hair, and a colourful Holi!

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