Bored of Traditional Skincare? Buy Hemp Beauty Products Online

On today’s episode of everything that is right with the world, we bring to you, Satliva’s range of Hemp beauty products online. If you’re active on social media or the internet in general, then you must know that Hemp is trending these days.
What is Hemp? It’s a variant of the flowering plant Cannabis Sativa and yes it is completely legal while its closely related plant – Cannabis might not be. Why? Because hemp does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, which is the intoxicating part of cannabis, more commonly known as weed or marijuana. Contrary to popular belief, Hemp isn’t a new discovery. Native people of the Himalayan region have been using it in their day to day lives for centuries.
Hemp in itself is full of goodness and benefits and it’s one of Satliva’s key ingredients for their range. Satliva manufactures around 25 products that have Hemp in their ingredients, in one form or another. That makes us one of the leading brands to buy hemp beauty products online from.
Our Hemp beauty products online range includes soap bars, oils, lip balms, hair creams and much more. Satliva’s hemp seeds contain many proteins, fatty acids, the 21 known amino acids, and other nutrients which are beneficial for our skin, scalp and hair. Satliva extracts its hemp oil from the industrial hemp plant using a cold press technique, making it one of the purest and richest hemp beauty products online. It’s time for us to switch to a more sustainable and organic source of beauty products and hemp paves the way. Do your bit for the environment, leave the chemical based harmful skincare behind and turn to Satliva’s hemp beauty products online.