A Sustainable Skincare Routine – What Is It, And How Can You Create One!

Sustainability is a topic that has gained much traction and special attention in the past decade. It has established its authority and significance in various industries ranging from engineering, construction, design, textiles, energy, and more. The personal-care industry is no different. It has seen a similar rise in innovation and development centred around the idea of sustainability.
But what is sustainability? In its most rudimentary definition; sustainability is the process of decreasing or attempting to eradicate one’s carbon footprint on the planet. And how does this apply to skincare? Read on to learn more!
Sustainability in skincare
The personal-care industry has been demonised for years now, due to the gargantuan amount of non-biodegradable waste it produces each year. Our team at Satliva studies day and night not only to decrease the amount of waste produced by self-care products, but to completely eliminate our carbon foot-print from the earth. But what makes sustainable products truly sustainable?
- Biodegradable packaging: The first point that pops-up in our mind is always eco-friendly packaging. Though the point is cliché, opting for eco-friendly packaging is always a good start to a sustainable skincare routine.
- Organic & locally sourced ingredients: this contributes greatly to an overall sustainable skincare routine, as organic products use far less harmful chemicals that would otherwise seep into the ground, or make their way into our oceans. Additionally; locally sourced ingredients implies that the raw materials for the products don’t burn gallons of fuel in order to reach you. Organic & locally sourced are things to look out for if you want to take your sustainability efforts a step further.
- A single product, several uses: Sustainability does not merely mean buying the most organic, or compostable products, it means extracting the most value out of what you have. Purchasing one product that can serve several purposes is far more sustainable than purchasing 10 products each serving a particular problem. Our products at Satliva do just that. Our Hemp with Argan & Activated Charcoal Shampoo Bar can be used as a body soap bar and a face wash too. Similarly, our Face Creams can function as body creams as well.
Sustainable DIY skincare recipe at home
The great thing about sustainable skin care is that you can easily create effective remedies at home. Here is one tried and tested home remedy for sustainable skin care.
- Aloe Vera, Turmeric, and Hemp with Moringa Face & Body Oil: This Face Mask recipe is extremely quick and easy to execute. This mask helps soothe inflamed, irritated, and dry skin while adding an abundance of nutrition and synchronously healing any damaged skin. Wash it off with a gentle, fragrance and chemical free soap bar, like the Hemp with Moringa Body Soap Bar to ensure the nourishment from the mask stays locked in and continues to benefit you throughout the day.
Satliva’s oils can be added to any homemade recipe you have in order to amplify its effects. Washing off any scrubs or face masks with our soap bars helps in pushing the nutritional benefits one step further.