This New Year Let’s Embrace Hemp

For decades now, Hemp has been demonized due to its relationship with Marijuana. This misrepresentation of hemp has robbed people all over the globe of paramount nutrients, vital medicine, and a range of sustainable alternatives pertaining to industries that desperately need them. A fact that generally gets lost in all the misinformation is that hemp is 100% legal in India. It is also mentioned in the Ayurveda, regarded as one of the 5 sacred plants. This new year let’s approach the idea of hemp with a new perspective.
Embrace Sustainability
Hemp has dominated the conversation surrounding sustainability for years now. Backed by science and empirical evidence, hemp’s connection to a sustainable lifestyle is undeniable. A few of the many real-world applications of this bold statement are:
- Textiles – Hemp fiber grown for textiles purposes uses significantly less water and chemicals than cotton, with hemp being 24-times more water efficient.
- Body Care – Hemp Seed Oil is widely used and desired in the body care industry. It is a sustainable and salubrious alternative to many of the harmful chemicals present in body care products such as soaps, shampoos, creams, oils etc.
- Fuels – Hemp biofuels have great potential to take over as the next big source of green energy. Researchers around the world have already invested much to expedite the work taking place in the field of biofuels.
- Paper – An acre of hemp can produce up to 4 times more paper than an acre of trees. Hemp paper is more durable, doesn’t brown with age, and grows much faster. Once again proving its capability of taking over and improving another industry desperate for sustainable change.
- Construction – Hemp innovation has taken things to the next level with Hempcrete. Hempcrete is used in the form of blocks for building foundations and wall plaster as well. Using hemp for building will absorb and trap excess carbon, further adding to the carbon negative society agenda that many countries are slowly adopting.
Embrace the Future
Hemp continues to improve several industries out there. The healthcare industry, nutraceuticals, organic fertilizers, personal care, bioplastics and many more are continually innovating with hemp to come up with the next best product. With many governments removing restrictions on the production of hemp, a new industry has been birthed. In a future that relies on a trustworthy hemp ecosystem, sustainability, innovation, and mindfulness are guaranteed. Come be a part of this sustainable revolution; come embrace hemp this new year.